
Why We Do What We Do

You can't do that, you can't go there, we can't let you do that. All those negatives that were used, even with the people we serve. Not anymore! We think outside of the box, and allow the people we serve to do so much more than how we may have been trained in the past.

2017-04-24T09:26:40-05:00April 24th, 2017|News|

Don’t let them lump our loved ones. Please call or email your US senators and representatives

Please urge your friends, family, and colleagues to contact their senators and house representative at the federal level to share how the current bill will have an adverse impact on the people we love and care for, like the children and adults with developmental disabilities served by Goldie Floberg, or people like my grandfather.

2023-07-28T14:23:01-05:00March 9th, 2017|News|

Year-End Tax Planning: Charitable Strategies That Save You Tax Dollars

Several tax-saving strategies exist that not only help you support your favorite qualified charity but also reduce your tax liability to Uncle Sam. Most people are well aware of giving cash or check, but there are two not-so-well-known high-powered, tax-saving charitable giving strategies that provide extra bang for the buck. Prior to year-end, consider making a gift to your favorite qualified charity using one of these two strategies.

2016-12-21T13:22:07-06:00December 21st, 2016|News|
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