First, a commendation to my fellow staff who donate via payroll deduction to Goldie Floberg. These gifts helped to drive programs like the Dream Maker Fund which offers individuals we serve opportunities not afforded by State and Federal funding.
My everyday duties revolve around compelling donors like you to feel connected enough to our organization to want to give. On July 15, while listening to our CEO present the annual State of the Agency, I held a payroll deduction form and asked myself the question, ‘Why do I feel compelled to give?’ I’ve been fortunate to hold a variety of positions throughout my career, working under strong, driven, and fair leaders, all striving for similar sets of values and missions. All admirable.
So what sets this place apart?
Standing in that room were direct support staff, clients, executive staff…, all engaged in learning and cheering for the results of our work. The careful attention to dignity and respect offered to every person who comes into contact with our organization is inspiration enough.
Today, I’m handing in my recurring gift form, $5 per check (the cost of a latte), because of our goal to allow every individual to experience the privacy of their own bedroom; because I share office space with a wonderfully sweet woman whose job is to shred documents (like no other) and would not have had a job if it weren’t for our placement program; and because through Kids Corps, Goldie Floberg has opened a pathway to better understanding for my children and their peers with disabilities.