Hiking, canoing, swimming, zip-lining…leisure and sometimes adventure activities that we in our Northern Illinois community are fortunate to access, practically in our backyard.
Keyword: Access.
For many of the children and adults we serve, experiencing these simple but meaningful activities requires specialized supports. Thankfully, area facilities like Camp Courageous provide access to activities like these and the highest level of quality and safety supports so friends like Steven W. (above w/camp courageous staff) can confidently experience the peace (or adrenaline) that accompany these adventures.

Specialized camp programs offer accessibility to natural landscapes and outdoor activities.
Access to camp experiences begins as much as a year in advance of camp attendance when we register as many as 20 adults for high-demand openings. Private and corporate donors as well as “campership” scholarships fund registrations, transportation, and support costs.
For the 2017 camp season, we are very grateful for a $5,000 private grant to help cover about 25% of the camp expenses not covered by state funds. Facilities like Camp Courageous have added new activities and resources year after year, and we’re grateful not to let anyone miss out.